Let us meet one of Lotsa Laffs Photo Booths’ operators, Emma!
What is your role at Lotsa Laffs Photo Booths?
When Lotsa Laffs gets a call to run a photo booth for a special event, I am one of the operators that sets up and runs the machine.
What is the wildest thing that ever happened in the photo booth? One of the wildest things that I have seen while operating the photo booth is when a group holds a person up off of the ground while taking a picture.
What do you enjoy most when operating the photo booth?
Seeing the people having fun and smiling behind the camera. It makes me feel good seeing the joy in people’s faces.
What is your favorite color?
My favorite color is blue.
If you had a pet, what kind would it be?
I do have a dog. She is the baby in the family that everyone loves to snuggle next to.
What’s your favorite family tradition?
The ethnic food that my mother makes for holidays.
Who would you most like to swap places with for a day?
My dog since she gets to relax and snooze a lot.
What is your favorite photo booth prop?
I love the fans. People love to open them and do some amazingly funny poses with them in hand.
What event was your favorite?
Every year I look forward to seeing the PSU graduates. The PSU Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) have a Winter Gala each year, and Lotsa Laffs Photo Booths is one of the vendors for the event. I look forward to saying hello to the students that have been coming to the Winter Gala since Lotsa Laffs has been the photo booth for the event.
What advice do you give to users of your photo booth?
I usually tell users to smile and have fun behind the camera!

All photos and content in this blog post by Lotsa Laffs Photo Booths. Copyright © 2021. All rights reserved.